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IMEZ-Academy understands how important the choice of a second grade math curriculum is for families. Not only is second grade a time to review the foundational skills learned in first grade math, but it is a launchpad for multiplication and for understanding how numbers are used in everyday life.

The major math strands for second grade curriculum are number sense and operations, algebra, geometry and spatial sense, measurement, and data analysis and probability. IMEZ-Academy teaches a comprehensive second grade math curriculum using fun, activities to build a solid math foundation.

​By the time they have finished 1st grade, students have begun to understand the relationships between numbers and have started to recognize mathematical patterns. 2nd graders become adept at one and two-digit addition and subtraction and have learned a variety of methods for solving mathematical problems.

Some of the key math concepts a second grader should know include:

Addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers without regrouping, up to 100, using models and algorithms

Combine shapes to form others shapes and find geometric shapes in real-life situations

Learn and compare money values including the quarter (25 cents), half-dollar (50 cents), and dollar (100 cents)

Read and write numerals to 100 and to count objects to 100 or more

Explore number patterns on a hundred chart and with a calculator

The ideal math curriculum for second grade will continue to build on these skills and expand on to new ones while making learning fun and motivating them to continue to learn.

What Math Should a 2nd Grader Know?

Math Objectives for 2nd Grade

​In 2nd grade, students continue with more sophisticated approaches to addition and subtraction and begin understanding the patterns leading to multiplication. Simple fractions are also introduced this year. Geometric learning extends a student’s understanding of shapes and their parts.

Some of the key goals for 2nd grade math include:

Understanding the meaning, uses, and representations for numbers

Computing addition and subtraction facts accurately

Using appropriate techniques, tools, units, and formulas in making measurements

Investigating the properties and characteristics of two and three dimensional geometric shapes

Analyzing and interpreting data

2nd Grade Math Scope & Sequence

  • Chapter 1: “Number Sense”
    Lesson 1: Read Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Compare Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Ordinal Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Count Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Place Value – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Compare with Place Value – 2 Activities Lesson 7: Count by Twos and Fives – 2 Activities Lesson 8: Odd and Even Numbers – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Number Sense
  • Chapter 2: “Fractions”
    Lesson 1: Equal and Unequal Parts – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Halves and Fourths – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Thirds – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Equal Fractions – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Fractions
  • Chapter 3: “Operations”
    Lesson 1: Adding and Subtracting – 4 Activities Lesson 2: Place Value – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Equal Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 4: One-digit Addition – 2 Activities Lesson 5: One-digit Subtraction – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Sum of Three Addends – 6 Activities Lesson 7: Two-digit Addition – 6 Activities Lesson 8: Zero as a Placeholder – 2 Activities Lesson 9: Addition and Subtraction Strategies – 7 Activities Lesson 10: One-Digit Word Problems – 2 Activities Lesson 11: Problem Solving Strategies – 2 Activities Lesson 12: Estimation Language – 2 Activities Lesson 13: Estimate – 3 Activities Chapter Test: Operations
  • Chapter 4: “Money”
    Lesson 1: Coin Values – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Count Money – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Model Money Amounts – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Add and Subtract Money – 3 Activities Chapter Test: Money
  • Chapter 5: “Patterns”
    Lesson 1: Sort Using One Attribute – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Sort Using Two Attributes – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Rules for Sorting – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Build Patterns – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Classify Patterns – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Picture and Number Patterns – 2 Activities Lesson 7: Repeating and Growing Patterns – 2 Activities Lesson 8: Patterns on a Hundreds Chart – 2 Activities Lesson 9: Skip Counting – 2 Activities Lesson 10: Extend Number Patterns – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Patterns
  • Chapter 6: “Algebra”
    Lesson 1: Order Property – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Add and Subtract Numbers – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Fact Families – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Number Sentences – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Equal and Unequal – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Greater Than and Less Than – 2 Activities Lesson 7: Solve for Unknown Numbers – 3 Activities Chapter Test: Algebra
  • Chapter 7: “Shapes”
    Lesson 1: Straight and Curved Lines – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Open and Closed Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Plane and Solid Shapes – 4 Activities Lesson 4: Special Plane Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Attributes of Plane Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Name Solid Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 7: Attributes of Solid Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 8: Congruent Shapes – 3 Activities Chapter Test: Shapes
  • Chapter 8: “Positions”
    Lesson 1: Positions of Objects – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Direction Words – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Position Words – 2 Activities Lesson 4: The Number Line – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Positions
  • Chapter 9: “Using Shapes”
    Lesson 1: Slides and Turns – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Congruent Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Symmetry – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Using Shapes
  • Chapter 10: “Spatial Sense”
    Lesson 1: Build Shapes – 6 Activities Lesson 2: Plane and Solid Shapes – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Perimeter and Area – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Shapes Around Us – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Pattern Blocks – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Spatial Sense
  • Chapter 11: “Time”
    Lesson 1: Calendar – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Passage of Time – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Tools for Telling Time – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Time to the Hour and Half-hour – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Time to the Hour and Half-hour – 2 Activities Lesson 6: Elapsed Time – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Time
  • Chapter 12: “Length”
    Lesson 1: Non-standard Units – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Compare Lengths – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Customary Units – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Tools and Units – 2 Activities Lesson 5: Metric Units – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Length
  • Chapter 13: “Weight”
    Lesson 1: Non-standard Units – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Compare Weights – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Customary Units – 3 Activities Lesson 4: Metric Units – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Weight
  • Chapter 14: “Capacity”
    Lesson 1: Non-standard Units – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Compare Capacity – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Customary Units – 2 Activities Lesson 4: Metric Units – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Capacity
  • Chapter 15: “Temperature”
    Lesson 1: Measure Temperature – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Compare Temperature – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Temperature
  • Chapter 16: “Graphing”
    Lesson 1: Tally Table – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Pictographs – 2 Activities Lesson 3: Bar Graphs – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Graphing
  • Chapter 17: “Using Data”
    Lesson 1: Compare Data – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Make Predictions – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Using Data
  • Chapter 18: “Probability”
    Lesson 1: Certain or Impossible – 2 Activities Lesson 2: Most and Least Likely – 2 Activities Chapter Test: Probability
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